Together with Food and Drug Agency (BPOM), Herbal Medicine Cafés Revive the Country’s Economy

Jakarta (17/11) Head of Food and Drug Agency (BPOM) of The Republic of Indonesia, Penny K. Lukito attended the Grand Opening of the Cafe Jamu Acaraki Kemang, South Jakarta. Acaraki is the first innovation to present herbal medicine in a modern cafe. In addition to the present jamu, Acaraki also introduced eight ways of brewing herbs. This herb led Acaraki to be awarded 2 MURI records at once.

Acaraki was born and grew together to contribute to the Indonesian economy. Acaraki CEO, Jony Yuwono, said that the Acaraki herbal medicine raw materials comes directly from local farmers. Besides, the provision of superior seeds and the opening of 5 hectares of area for herbal plants were carried out to boost the welfare of farmers.

With assistance from the Food and Drug Agency (BPOM) and related sectors, Acaraki processed herbal medicine under the provisions of the draft Good Traditional Medicine Manufacturing Method (CPOTB). As well as guaranteed safety, efficacy, and quality, Acaraki also uses raw materials from the use of superior seeds and the process of cultivating spices. In choosing its raw material, Acaraki uses references to the efficacy of various medicinal plants from related Ministry research. Acaraki also involved the University and GP Jamu in researching the herbal products development and industries such as PT Sinde Budi Sentosa to support herbal medicine production.

Acaraki’s cross-sectors innovations and initiatives deserve appreciation. The Food and Drug Agency (BPOM) Head said that the Food and Drug Agency (BPOM) with the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture had created a Task Force to accelerate the herbal products downstream. This formation of the task force was because herbal medicine was one of the priority development programs of the Jokowi administration. With Acaraki refers to cross-sector research and collaboration, it becomes an example for other industries. The Head of the Food and Drug Agency (BPOM) further expressed his hope that with the presence of Acaraki that millennials could make herbal consumption a lifestyle. The Food and Drug Agency (BPOM) Head also said that the lifestyle of consuming jamu is a form of love for the country (nationalism) that can be raised in the hearts of every child of the country, especially millennials.

Acaraki is considered a form of innovation that needs government regulatory support. Deputy Chairman of Commission IX The House of Representatives of The Republic of Indonesia, Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena, hopes that Acaraki could be an example and role model for many parties to increase the massive consumption of herbal medicine among millennials. He further said that the government. The DPR would continue to support a political and policy perspective to ensure the herbal medicine excellence can be massive and worldwide.

The Deputy Chairperson of Commission IX and the Head of the Food and Drug Agency (BPOM) hopes that in the future, the herbal cafe could be present in government agencies so that the consumption of this country’s proud products would be even more massive. (HM- Khairul).

Bureau of Public Relations and Leadership Strategic Support

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