Make sure the color, aroma, and ginger are according to the SOP
Make sure the amount is according to the menu creation SOP
brewed in an espresso machine which makes enhance the concentration
which you can make yourself with the addition of other ingredients according to your taste
As a traditional spice herb, herbal medicine from generation to generation has been believed by the Indonesian people as a potion for health. The term “jamu” comes from the ancient Javanese language, namely “jampi” which means mantra/prayer, and “oesodo” which means health.
The term Acaraki comes from the Madhawapura inscription, an inscription containing records of professions. Written in it about the title Abhasana for clothes makers, Angawari as a pot maker, and Acaraki as a herbal concoction.
To preserve Indonesian culture, Acaraki is here to reintroduce the value of herbal medicine in people’s lives. By adapting coffee, tea, and matcha, Acaraki strives to present herbal medicine from a different point of view.
We use several brewing techniques in the manufacture of herbal medicine that are adapted from the coffee-making process, thus making the herbal taste more intense.
What’s the brewing process like?

Acaraki provides a pack of herbal powder that you can make by following the recipe we have prepared, or you can explore the recipe in Your own style.

Change the stigma of Jamu, which looks shabby at first. and ancient, is a drink that can be accepted by the community, especially millennials to become a new lifestyle.